The mission of Sputnik Observatory is to be the world’s foremost institute dedicated to the study of contemporary culture. Sputnik Observatory manifests this commitment by documenting, archiving and disseminating the ideas that are shaping the arts, sciences and technology. Central to Sputnik Observatory’s mission is the encouragement of an ever deeper understanding and enjoyment of life-long learning that aims to support the advancement of modern thought in society.
To achieve its goals, Sputnik Observatory has particular responsibility to serve as the guardian of archived conversations with extraordinary minds around the world with the function to produce cultural programs and services for the public-at-large.
The institute recognizes that it is essential to remain vital and engaged with the present, and that this commitment should serve to enliven and inform our evolving understanding of contemporary history.
The ultimate purpose of Sputnik Observatory is to foster the interconnection of ideas. Its aim is to create and facilitate a dialogue between academia and the people, the established and the emerging, and the future and the now, in an environment that is responsive to the principles of democracy, while being accessible to curious minds everywhere.